Standby for Action as Andercon, Anderson Entertainment’s first Gerry Anderson convention, is Go! The event promises to deliver an “Exclusively Anderson” experience, celebrating...
By Jamie AndersonAugust 20, 2013“So bad it became a classic. Possibly…” The Crossroads to Crime DVD is due to be released by Network Distributing on Monday 19th...
By Jamie AndersonAugust 16, 2013A Joe 90 Remix has been released by Mike Ellis – the new track featuring a drum track by Mike is a fun...
By Jamie AndersonAugust 7, 2013An enormous Japanese Thunderbirds Exhibition is currently underway at Miraikan (The Japanese National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation), Odaiba and runs until 23rd...
By Jamie AndersonJuly 19, 2013Anderson Entertainment, Gerry Anderson’s film and television production company, are to release a number of Gerry Anderson scripts – from both seen and...
By Jamie AndersonJune 25, 2013At the Paris Air Show the Finmeccanica subsidiary showed off an exotic tiltrotor aircraft called Project Zero that’s powered by lithium batteries. It flies, but...
By Jamie AndersonJune 20, 2013Jamie Anderson will be appearing at Mat Irvine’s Smallspace 2 exhibition on 7th July 2013 at HANSLOPE VILLAGE HALL, Newport Road, Hanslope, Bucks, MK19 7NZ....
By Jamie AndersonJune 16, 2013International Rescue Corps are delighted to announce the appointment of Jamie Anderson as their Vice-President. Jamie is the son of the late Thunderbirds...
By Jamie AndersonMay 30, 2013A mobility scooter isn’t the most likely choice of vehicle to modify, and neither is an intended transformation into a pink Rolls-Royce. But...
By Jamie AndersonMay 27, 2013We’ve just added a new unseen Gerry Anderson projects section to the Legacy section of the website, rather cleverly called “Unseen Anderson”. OK, we...
By Jamie AndersonMay 26, 2013