Gerry Anderson’s prolific career as a television and film producer encompasses puppetry, live-action, stop-motion animation, and CGI, traversing science fiction adventure to underwater...
By Fred McNamaraAugust 16, 2024Stingray: Deadly Uprising takes its next huge leap forward with the release of Stingray: The Titanican Stratagem, now available to pre-order from the...
By Fred McNamaraAugust 13, 2024This is the Voice of the Mysterons; it’s time for the Gerry Anderson news roundup – you know what you must do! This...
By Chris DaleJuly 27, 2024For the past 30 years, the New Blades modelmaking exhibition has served to showcase the practical modelmaking skills of graduates from around the...
By Fred McNamaraJuly 23, 2024Back in May 2019 I was asked by Jamie Anderson if I’d be interested in producing a book commemorating the 50th anniversary of...
By Chris DaleSeptember 19, 2023A lifelong fan of Space:1999 and in particular the show’s star vehicle the Eagle, writer and director Jeffrey Morris is launching his own...
By Chris DaleSeptember 12, 2023We were recently contacted by Karl Williams, a collector of vintage British comedy memorabilia including script material whose collection contains items dating back...
By Chris DaleMay 16, 2023