This is Captain Black, relaying news from the Mysterons! This week’s edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Sunday evening, and featured...
By Chris DaleNovember 30, 2024Despite being two thematically separate TV series, UFO (1970-71) and Space: 1999 (1975-76) remain undeniably linked by their live-action credentials, tonal similarities in...
By Fred McNamaraNovember 26, 2024The name’s roundup; the Gerry Anderson news roundup! For twenty months I’ve been reviewing Gerry Anderson news, and now? Now let’s say this...
By Chris DaleNovember 23, 2024Stand by for action – we are about to launch the Gerry Anderson news roundup in celebration of sixty years of Stingray! This...
By Chris DaleOctober 5, 2024Anderson Audio Adventures are go! Immerse yourself in FREE audiobooks and audio dramas from the iconic worlds of Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet, Space:...
By Fred McNamaraOctober 4, 2024It’s the Gerry Anderson news roundup, all systems go – good luck! This week’s edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched on Sunday...
By Chris DaleSeptember 28, 2024Attention all sections Alpha – the standard edition of our meticulously reproduced 1976 Eagle from Space: 1999 is available to pre-order now from...
By Fred McNamaraSeptember 20, 2024Attention all sections Alpha; as we are we have power, environment, and therefore a way to read the Gerry Anderson news roundup! This...
By Chris DaleSeptember 14, 2024Prepare yourselves for a Space: 1999 experience like no other! Our Space: 1999 Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is now available to pre-order from...
By Fred McNamaraSeptember 13, 2024Our Space: 1999 Roleplaying Game will be available to experience soon with the forthcoming release of the core rulebook. This co-production between Anderson...
By Fred McNamaraSeptember 11, 2024