Gemini Force One is a book series originally created by Gerry Anderson – the man behind Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Fireball XL5, Space: 1999 and many other iconic TV series.
The first book in the trilogy is called Black Horizon and is out on 2nd April 2015, and was followed up with Ghost Mine and White Storm in 2016 and 2017. Grab all of them from the Gerry Anderson store!
After the tragic death of his father, Ben Carrington’s mother teams up with a wealthy entrepreneur to form an elite, top-secret rescue organisation – Gemini Force.
Ben is determined to become part of the team, but can he prove he has what it takes to face dangerous situations and save lives?
Impossible rescues. Maximum risk. This is Gemini Force 1.
Gemini Force One was originally launched through crowdfunding website Kickstarter, before being picked up by Orion publishing. You can watch the original Kickstarter video below.
Back the project now on Kickstarter!