
Merch NewsNewsSpace: 1999

Space:1999 laboratory pod Eagle variant now available!

A stunning 10″ replica of the Space:1999 Eagle with laboratory pod is now available exclusively from the Gerry Anderson Store. This “Type E”...

TV21 – Reprints in the 21st Century (part 2) – The Gerry Anderson Vintage Comic Collection

Partworks are a curious beast of the publishing world. We’ve all seen the commercials; “build your own model of the Isle of Wight...

Merch NewsNewsSpace: 1999

Space:1999 Eaglemoss Hero Collector Eagles – now available to pre-order!

Available to pre-order now from our online store are two Space:1999 Eagles from Eaglemoss Hero Collector, who have for many years been producing...

Prepare for life on Moonbase Alpha

UFO: The Complete Comic Collection