

“Allarme rosso, allarme rosso!” The UFO Italian cinema movies

When UFO first aired on Italy’s national television service RAI in October 1971, the country was still broadcasting in black and white. However,...

Joe 90

“Deep joy to the eyebold!” The Genesis of The Secret Service

1968’s Joe 90 ran for only one season of thirty episodes, after which came the traditional meeting between Gerry Anderson and Lew Grade...

Captain Scarlet

The disappearing shipmates: what happened to Captain Black’s MEV crew?

The first scene of Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons is also one of the show’s most memorable, showing the Zero-X MEV under the...

“In the avenues and alleyways…” The Protectors top five best episodes!

The Protectors ran for 52 episodes first broadcast across two seasons between 1972 and 1974, and was a decidedly atypical production from the...


Thunderbirds – the personnel & shift patterns of Thunderbird 5

International Rescue’s Earth-orbiting space station Thunderbird 5 is manned by both John and Alan Tracy throughout the course of the Thunderbirds television series....


The top five (ish) Supercar guest villains

Although Masterspy and Zarin (and to a lesser extent Harper and Judd) could always be relied upon to be a consistent thorn in...

Captain Scarlet

Life in Lunarville: the Moon colonies of Captain Scarlet

In the universe of Captain Scarlet, humanity first reached the Moon in the early 1970s – and, unlike in our own world, lunar...

Captain ScarletJoe 90StingrayTerrahawksThunderbirdsUFO

The ‘A’ factor – what Gerry Anderson’s work means to me

It’s rare that I feel it appropriate to comment on my own personal experiences with Anderson shows when writing articles for this website,...

Captain Scarlet

Captain Scarlet: a mechanical man?

Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s original script for The Mysterons followed pretty much the same story as the final version that aired on television...


Disappearances at SHADO Control: the revolving cast of UFO

When re-watching UFO in production order (or the similar ITC Recommended order) many established characters suddenly disappear without explanation after the seventeenth episode....

Prepare for life on Moonbase Alpha

UFO: The Complete Comic Collection