
Captain Black Escapes! – A Gerry Anderson A21 News Report

by A21 Reporter Andy Clems

Spectrum are on full red alert after Captain Black broke out of a secure holding facility late on Thursday night. Overpowering his guards and taking one of their electro-passes, he was able to steal a Magnacopter from the site’s hangar. Disabling the standard tracking system, he flew the craft on a Northern course before being lost from radar in a mountainous region.

Captain Black – the world’s most wanted criminal

The daring escape comes weeks after Black’s apprehension at the hands of Spectrum’s finest. Colonel White appealed for calm saying, “The Mysterons use fear as a weapon against the people of the Earth. The best thing the general public can do is to remain calm and leave this situation to Spectrum. If you see Captain Black, do not approach him. Contact your nearest law enforcement authority when it is safe to do so.”

Captain Black, once one of Colonel White’s most reliable officers, was taken over by the Mysterons in unknown circumstances during the third Zero-X mission to Mars in October 2068. Since then, he has acted as their primary agent on Earth. Little has been heard of the villain since his capture, but it is believed that Spectrum were attempting to learn more about the Mysteron threat through the use of advanced interrogation techniques.

Doctor Fawn, chief medical officer aboard Cloudbase, was quick to debunk these speculations as, “Nothing but a lot of suspicion and paranoia. Spectrum holds itself accountable to the Geneva convention on the treatment of prisoners of war. The organisation would never condone any barbaric means of interrogation.”

Colonel White – Commander of Spectrum

We understand that Captain Scarlet was in periodic contact with Captain Black while incarcerated. Scarlet elaborated “There had always been a possibility that the unique nature of my psychological and physiological makeup might give me a certain advantage when communicating with a Mysteron agent. This theory unfortunately proved to be incorrect as I was unable to establish any kind of psychic link with Black. The only outcomes of the rather one-sided dialogue were a headache and a roaring in the ears, an infrequent side effect of exposure to Mysteron agents.”

Spectrum have mobilised their ground and air forces around the globe in the manhunt for Captain Black. “Finding the enemy agent is Spectrum’s number one priority”, explained Colonel White. “He could well be the key to ending the war of nerves with Mars once and for all.”

While the search continues, Spectrum have re-stated their plea for the public to remain vigilant, particularly over the next few days, as they are not certain what the Mysteron has in store for the weekend.

Written by
Andrew Clements

A writer, film maker and self confessed Gerry Anderson fanatic. Free to good home.

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