Gerry Anderson’s prolific career as a television and film producer encompasses puppetry, live-action, stop-motion animation, and CGI, traversing science fiction adventure to underwater...
By Fred McNamaraAugust 16, 2024International Rescue boasts the world’s most advanced rescue technology and therefore exists under a strict cover of top security. As Jeff Tracy explains...
By Fred McNamaraAugust 15, 2024The Gerry Anderson news roundup; a place of legend, fabled right across the universe! This is your quest; to read it! This week’s...
By Chris DaleAugust 10, 2024Away from the classic TV series, Thunderbirds has enjoyed several avenues of additional adventures through comics, novels, annuals, and beyond. This Thunderbirds Thursday,...
By Fred McNamaraAugust 8, 2024What’s happening? Okay, right, well, what’s happening is…, well, it’s like, time for the Gerry Anderson news roundup man, y’know ya? This week’s...
By Chris DaleAugust 3, 2024Thunderbirds may have only a brief lifespan on television between 1965 and 1966, yet it managed to spawn a pair of feature film...
By Fred McNamaraAugust 1, 2024This is the Voice of the Mysterons; it’s time for the Gerry Anderson news roundup – you know what you must do! This...
By Chris DaleJuly 27, 2024Calling all International Rescue agents! You can now dress appropriately for all your danger zone needs with Anderson Entertainment’s brand new Scott Tracy...
By Fred McNamaraJuly 26, 2024No Gerry Anderson production is complete without an appropriately heroic uniform worn by our galactic policemen, aquanauts, indestructible security specialists, or brave rescuers....
By Fred McNamaraJuly 25, 2024Turn off Operation Cover-up – it’s time for this week’s Gerry Anderson news roundup! This week’s edition of the Gerry Anderson Podcast launched...
By Chris DaleJuly 20, 2024