Merch NewsNewsThunderbirds

Thunderbirds are framed!

A vital part of Jeff Tracy’s control centre in the lounge in his Tracy Island villa came in the form of the framed wall portraits of his five sons. Whenever Thunderbirds were go and a rescue was underway, these portraits would become video displays through which information could be relayed to and from base, an incoming call indicated by the eyes of each portrait flashing.

Or in the case of Lady Penelope’s portrait, the beads on her necklace.

But how could you acquire your own complete set of Tracy Island portraits? Put this frequency on priority monitoring and stand by for more data from the space station, as we approach the annual Thunderbirds Day celebrations on September 30th!

Written by
Chris Dale

Writer, editor & voice actor on Big Finish's Doctor Who, Terrahawks, Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet audio ranges. Host of the Randomiser on the Gerry Anderson Podcast.

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