Space: 1999

FunNewsSpace: 1999

Lost Eagle Returns! – A Gerry Anderson News Story

by A21 Reporter Andy Clems There have been celebrations throughout Moonbase Alpha to welcome home Commander John Koenig who returned safely after going...

NewsPodcastSpace: 1999

The Gerry Anderson Podcast makes Planetfall

Gerry Anderson’s pilot “The Day After Tomorrow: Into Infinity” never went to full series. It was made between Years 1 & 2 of...

FunMerch NewsNewsSpace: 1999Terrahawks

The Anderson actors of Big Finish

For more than two decades Big Finish Productions have been producing full-cast audio drama plays, and are undoubtedly best known for their Doctor...

NewsSpace: 1999

Space: 1999 returns for Audio Drama Volume One

Three new stories will pick up where the much-acclaimed Space: 1999 – Breakaway left off, journeying into the unknown, after the Moon was...

FunJoe 90Merch NewsNewsSpace: 1999TerrahawksUFO

A History of Gerry Anderson Toys – Part 3

Missed part one and two? Read part one here, and part two here. Hot on the heels of Captain Scarlet the next television...

FunNew Captain ScarletSpace PrecinctSpace: 1999StingrayUFO

Missing in Action; When Gerry Anderson characters go AWOL!

The Gerry Anderson universe was populated by dozens of memorable characters – but there are quite a few who never had the chance...

Samira Ahmed Space 1999 Mastermind
FunNewsSpace: 1999

Samira Ahmed’s Space 1999 Mastermind Round – Tonight at 6:30PM

Gerry Anderson fans in the UK may be interested in tonight’s edition of Celebrity Mastermind – the Champion of Champions edition. It features...

Captain ScarletFunNewsSpace: 1999StingrayTerrahawksUFO

Top 5 Gerry Anderson vehicle battles

Most of the classic Gerry Anderson series are well known for their use of breathtaking model effects sequences, and one storytelling field in...

FunLost WorldsNewsSpace: 1999

Space:1999 – the ‘original’ Breakaway and Black Sun!

The first episode of Space:1999, Breakaway, entered production in November 1973. While the episode was scheduled to be shot within ten days filming...

Commander John Koenig Replica Figure from Space 1999
Merch NewsNewsSpace: 1999

Commander Koenig Replica Figure Coming Soon

Following hot on the heels of Captain Scarlet – a Big Chief Studios Commander Koenig replica figure is on the way! Big Chief...

Prepare for life on Moonbase Alpha

UFO: The Complete Comic Collection